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stuffed sheep′s tripe with mushroom
瓤羊肚菌  detail>>
stuffed mushroom
瓤冬菇盒  detail>>
pork tripe stuffed with meat
罗汉肚  detail>>
stuffed pig tripe
罗汉猪肚  detail>>
stuffed tripe in soy sauce
酱瓤肚  detail>>
cooked tripe of sheep or swine
爆肚  detail>>
pig tripe stuffed with seven integrants
七彩瓤猪肚  detail>>
jiaozi stuffed with mushroom and cabbage
香菇油菜水饺  detail>>
mushroom stuffed with minced shrim
虾胶瓤北菇  detail>>
mushroom stuffed with minced shrimps
百花酿北菇〔中菜名 虾胶瓤北菇  detail>>
rolls stuffed with mushroom and pork
rolls山菌金针肉卷  detail>>
shrimp stuffed fresh mushroom
百花酿鲜菇 香麻煎堆球-  detail>>
steamed dumplings stuffed with mushroom
春菇烧麦  detail>>
stuffed lotus flower mushroom
镶荷花菇  detail>>
 n.  1.【烹】(反刍动物的)肚子。 2.〔pl.〕〔古、卑〕内脏,肚腹。 3.〔英俚〕没有价值的[可厌的]东西;废话。  短...  detail>>
be stuffed
吃饱  detail>>
实心的  detail>>
 n.  〔sing., pl.〕 1.羊;绵羊。 2.羊皮(革)。 3.怯懦的人;羞怯的人;胆小鬼;蠢人。 4.〔戏谑语〕〔总称...  detail>>